Welcome to Skyler and Monique's Blog!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Santa Rosa Symphony Performance

Originally uploaded by skylerf85
What a weekend! I've just got done doing three performances, along with tons of practices, of Verdi's Requiem Mass. It was really exciting to sing in a choir for the first time, and I will remember this for a long long time. I want to thank those that came out and saw me, thanks so much. Its nice to know that others care. I hope for those that did see it that you really enjoyed the music, or at least watching my mouth open and close a few times throughout the night.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Going Strong

Life continues to move, and I continue to fight against the current of meritocracy. Once again, I've picked up Anthony Robbins to help change my life again. Tony was a huge inspiration for myself to reach my goal weight back over almost two years ago. Now that I've picked up his material again, I know I'll achieve even more than I did in the past. Life is just waiting...

Monday, November 26, 2007

What a Week

If your like me, you had a busy week. Since Wednesday through Sunday, its been a jam packed week.

Wednesday - (22 Birthday) Shopping and hanging around Monique. In the evening, it was our Thanksgiving dinner / birthday party. Had family and friends over and it was really great.

Thursday - (Thanksgiving) Traditional for us Fuhrmans, we go to the San Francisco car show, but not on Thanksgiving. This year we missed Trevor coming with us, by my parents and I still had a great time looking at new cars.

(Black) Friday - Got up at 3am, drove to Monique, and this to Circuit City to get a new 19" LCD TV along with a new DVD player. Lots of stories right there, then a nap in the afternoon for the time getting up early.

Saturday - Shopping most of the afternoon with Monique and Torie. I had a great time walking around the mall and listening to the girls chat. In the evening, there was dinner and some movies, which wrapped up a great day.

Sunday - Woke up late, so I had to start work right away, and got most of done by the time Monique got off work. We went to dinner at El Torrito, then played some N64 at Monique's house on her new TV. Back to work till the end of the day, which puts me here at my laptop.

Well, that was busy week and weekend. I hope everyone else had a great week. I also wanted to thank all those who came to my party on Wednesday. I really had a great time.

Have a great week!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Grandma's 85 Birthday Bash!

Originally uploaded by skylerf85
I got a set of wonderful shots from Paul's camera of the birthday party for Marianne Fuhrman. She turned 85, and the family turned out to give her a big party!

New photos on Flickr

Originally uploaded by skylerf85
OMG, the blog is back. Well, I want to say hello again. Because I've downloaded a new cool brower called Flock, it makes posting to the web, uploading, and connecting with people really easy. Well, i used it to my advantage to upload some older photos to flickr. I'll be posting more as more "sets" of photos go online. Here is the first from when Monique and I went to San Francisco for our 3rd year anniversary! Enjoy.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here I am!

Well, we're finally here. Everything is fabulous. I will have to get on again on my computer once we have internet in our new house to post pictures and more extensive details, but for now, everything is good. Hope all is well in California. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

All Star Game Photos!

All Star 50.jpg
Originally uploaded by skylerf85
Last night was a great night at AT&T Park. The smell of hotdog, cold beer, and a constant chant of "Barry" along with "Beat LA" keep the Giants spirit up in line. Kevin and I waited 3 hours to get into the free section, and it was worth it!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Giants Game

Originally uploaded by skylerf85
A cute photo from the Giants game Monique and I went to.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Start of Summer

Its summer time now and its nice to not think about homework and classes. What I like best thought is that I get to spend time doing what I like to do, study music. And in 2007, the music world is changing rapidly. I don't want to go into great detail, because its very complex and I know only music people want to go into detail. Anyway, I love to spend my time at the coffee shops listening and studying music at the moment.

Last night, Monique and I got a chance to see the new movie 'Knocked Up'. We both liked it at laughed out loud with everyone else in the theater. Its good to see these new movies coming out by "non-famous" people who have really good content. Also, if your looking for good entertainment, check out the FOX show, On The Lot. Its a new reality show trying to find a new Hollywood director, ala American Idol style. I know that I'm interested in this because I like movies so much, but hey, I know when I see good stuff. So, if you like short movies, and American Idol, check out this show.

Thats all I got this morning. But hey, at least I kept to my word and I got something out again a week later. Have a good week!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Blogging once again

Well, if your reading this, welcome back. Like anything in life, some things get pushed aside while we focus on other things in life. For me, that means anything online and blogging has been non-active for the last few months. Now that school is out, I have more free time to spend in my room talking to myself, Yay! Anyway, my goal for this website is to update at least once a week. I figured its not going to be fun to write on here everyday, and I know that I wouldn't be able to do it everyday, so I'm making it a goal to do it at least once a week. So, whats going on with Monique and I?

Another semester has ended and it's summer time. I'm really looking forward to doing lots of work on my body and my musical talents. I'm creating a mock "summer school" plan for myself so that I can learn lots of new things this summer while having lots of fun. Monique and I attended two graduation parties over the weekend, and both were great. On Monday, I went to work as casual labor at Van Heusen with the job of watching the clothes outside. The job had be counting the minutes till I got off. What makes this kind of work helpful for me is that it makes me realize how great my other jobs are. It also makes me want to work hard to get the real jobs I want in the future.

I'll try to get Monique's side of a summer update on here so that we get at least 2 updates a week. Have a great post labor day weekend. Later!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Piano Conertos!

Watch this one first!

Now that you've seen the big paino chords, check out this one below.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Even more features

I've been hearing about twitter for a while now, so I've joined up so people can even learn more about me and what I do.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Welcome back to school!

Hello everyone, looks like school is getting back in session again, which also means for some strange reason that I should start blogging again. I'm finishing up my guitar album before school starts for me on Monday. It should be around 6 or so tracks, and I think it sounds decent so far. I'm really just trying to get a rough draft out there so that people can hear how I play. I know that I can always record more music if I want to in the future, but I need to have at least something out there right now. Anyway, Monique is back at SRJC already this past week and a half and I start again at SSU on Monday. I'm looking forward to doing and learning lots of stuff this semester. No new pictures to post this time, but when the album is finished, I'll have it on here asap. Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

MacWorld 2007

Originally uploaded by skylerf85.
Monique and I made it out to Macworld 2007, and it was pretty dang cool. Not much else to say besides we saw a lot of mac software and ipod accessories. See that dog between us, yeah, I got that for her, just cause I'm a nice guy. Alright, the iPhone rocks too. Have a great day.