Welcome to Skyler and Monique's Blog!


Saturday, July 29, 2006

After the Workout - Day 3

Sleeping is my topic of choice today. How much sleep do we need and how do you know when your getting enough? I've read dozen of articles over the years and I am never convinenced that someone knows it all when it comes to sleeping. I've heard things that you are supposed to get at least 8 hours of sleep, when your young. I've heard that you enter REM cycles every 90 minutes, so you should set your sleep schedule around that. I did that for a few years in high school and in college. Lately, I've read this great article by Steve Pavlina on Polyphasic sleep. It was were he was awake for 3 hours, then took a 20 minute nap. And he did this for about 5 months. You can read about it on his website. Just incase you don't see, he would be awake 22 hours a "day" and sleep only 2 hours. The guy is much older than me, so it makes me wonder again, how much sleep do we need? I always try to make my sleep time around 6 hours. I saw that, but some nights I sleep in longer. Today is was about 7. Its not because I ever want to get more than 6, but I forget to set my alarm clock and such. Well, just thought I would put that out there. Have a good weekend everyone, and I'll see you tomorrow morning!

Friday, July 28, 2006

After the Workout - Post 2

Welcome back you as well as myself. This morning was the hard morning to get up. But of course, I planned ahead for that. So last night I set 3 different alarms so I was sure that I would get up at the right time. Oh yeah, I get up at 5am. Now that might seem early, but my mom gets up even before that, so I don't think its strange to get up so early. You never feel like a rebel being the second one to do things. Okay, so to the meat of today's subject. Pushing yourself, that's what I wanted to talk about. When I was at the gym I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts when he started to talk about pushing yourself a little. That's when I found that if I kept doing the same thing I was doing, I was going to get anywhere unless I took myself to the next level. Wow, what a concept. Right away, I increased the weight, and went until I failed. Failed as in my muscles wouldn't push the weight anymore and I knew I would start growing. I know that once you push yourself to do something and your body isn't their yet, your body will grow to get to that point. That alone make me feel good knowing that I'll get to where I want to go. As long as I know where I want to go, I'll get there when I get there. It may take me 1 month or 6, but I will get there. Today I have a list of things I need to do, and I'm going to push myself to get them all done today. When I do that, I'll know what my real power is. And from there, I know I can do more and more.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

After the Workout - Post 1

Day one of my week long "after the workout" blog posts. This morning, I thought I would talk about things to get people motivated. I talked with Monique yesterday about this, so I thought that other people might be interested in this topic. I like to ask the question, "How much would it take for you to get motivated"? I want to get you to think about that sort of motivation do you think you need to get going doing something. How much money do you need to spent, or how much time to you need to give to get yourself to do something. Since we were talking about exercise, my examples will revolve around that. For you to get motivated about doing a workout or exercise program, ask yourself, what do you really need to get going. Do you need to get a new pair of shoes so that your feet won't hurt, or do you just need a pair a shoes to feel good. Do you need to join a gym so that you feel like you can workout now? Maybe you have other non-material factors that will help you. Does the idea of looking the way you want make you want to get off your butt? For me, I know that the idea of not having to do something again is a bigger motivation than getting something good. As in, I'd rather just do some chore to feel good about not having to do it, as opposed to feeling good about doing it. I use to think this was not the way to think and feel, but I find that as long as I get the thing done, it works. Well, i'll be writing something each morning after I workout. Not that they will be about exercise, but i think exercise is a good metaphor for life. Have a great Thursday everyone!

Friday, July 14, 2006

How is fish's weight that Dora cat can carry?

You don't have to be from a foreign country or understand the language to have a good time. Along with listening to Opeta, I find that other content online and offline is great. Please watching this 10 minute clip from a Japanesse tv program. I was laughing in the library it was so funny. Mostly cause cats are just funny. ;-)

Beach Girl

Beach Girl
Originally uploaded by skylerf85.
Nohting like a nice day at the beach to take your mind off things.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Pillow Fights!

Clips from the Pillow Fighting Championships in Kenwood California on the 4th of July!

ask me for the link

Greatings from the Gym

Wow, I remember how good it feels to be all ready in the morning again. I got myself to the gym again this morning after having to break though a painful nose cold. I sat down and drank some tea right when I got up, and that gave me enough relief to get me out the door. I started back on my stomach exercises and I must say that it wasn't hard at all. Just like I knew it would be. Oh, when I say it wasn't hard at all, I don't mean it wasn't a workout, it just wasn't hard after I had done it. I jumped on a elliptical machine for my normal 20 minutes and worked my butt off. Okay, I wasn't hurting myself, but I kept increasing the resistance till I got my heart rate nice and high. When I work out like that, it feels normal to me. To me, it just feels good to work my heart a little. I guess I'm just young, or crazy, or both. I also must say, I don't know why I tried working out without music. It makes me work so much harder. I use to listen to lecture stuff like informational programs or inspirational things. I find that I don't listen all the way, and I don't work out as hard. So, its back to Big D and the Kid's Table. If you check out this link to the iTunes music store, you'll hear the music I listened to this morning. Nothing like that first song to get me going. Well, I also want to say happy 4th of July to everyone. Have a safe and fun day.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Before and After

Petaluma Fair 2006
Originally uploaded by skylerf85.
Check out this years and last years photobooth shots that Monique and I took. Have a great Sunday everyone and look for another podcast comming last this week...

Petaluma Fair Bike Show

Looking for a very very very simple place to do video editing online? Make sure you check out eyespot.com. I can't tell you how easy it is to make a video like that one I just did. I did it from my bed in about 1 minute. Sign up is free, go check it out!