Welcome to Skyler and Monique's Blog!


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

We are slow-pokes.

Well, here we are, in the car, sitting after lunch. We haven't posted for weeks and we are busy. Fun, huh? That's enough right now. I'll update later.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Thinking Radical

Instead of thinking of things as things, we all have a habit of thinking that everything around us is already a thing, existing without your input, without your choice. You have to banish that thinking, instead, you have to recognize that even the material world around us, the chairs, the carpet, your computer, all of these objects are nothing but possible moments of conscious. You are choosing moment to moment to bring your actual experience into manifestation. We tend to think that everything is already out there, and separate from yourself. But is it really? Are things not things, but possibilities on consciousness?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

People! Everyone should donate even just a little to the Red Cross for the Hurricane. Remember that if anything happened to us Californians, the rest of the United States would support us and help us out. One dollar helps. You can donate money, old clothing, and canned non-parishable foods locally through the Bass outlet at the Petaluma Villiage Premium Outlets or at the Red Cross donation website. The Bass outlet management has also planned a benefit car wash at The Muffler Works on N. McDowell Blvd, in Petaluma. All proceeds are going to the ARC to help the victims. It's a scary thing, but let's help out and make the effort that much more effective.

Welcome to the Hotel California...

Well, we are finally famous. Maybe not famous, but recognized. We were in the newspaper! =) Check us out in this week's (Sept 14-20) Argus Courier or at http://www.ArgusCourier.com. Our old "greeting" photo is in it. Wow...for some reason, when someone recognizes something about me or anyone I'm close to, it just seems to boost that confidence up just a teeny bit. This was pretty cool. I am in the newspaper for something that really isn't my thing either; it's more of a Skyler Fuhrman thing. I can't even remember whose idea it was to start this blog. Oh well. Wow...well, I better get to my homework cuz I'm going to Davide's (my brother's) game tonight @ Analy! It's going to be freeeeezing! =D Have a good week, all! *xoxo*

Monday, September 12, 2005

iSky Radio

I haven't really talked about podcasting in a while so I thought it would be time once again. Don't worry, this won't be a long rant. Just some thoughts and some links for everyone to check out.

The reason podcasting is so cool is that it allows me to listen to what I want, when I want. Podcasting also allows me to get away from commercial radio. You know, that thing you I use to listen to in the morning. The cool content that was between commercials and other crap on the radio. I remember a time when I use to listen to good stuff that came on once an hour. Now with podcasts, I can listen to what I want to listen to, when I want to listen to it. It's like Skyler Fuhrman is the station manager at iSky radio. (I know that radio stations start with a k on the west coast, but since I have an iPod, I'm in change of iSky radio. If you still don't get it, I'm taking the i from iPod, and adding my own 3 letter tag at the end to make it my own). In the morning, maybe an hour long tech show about what's going on with apple computers. As soon as I'm done with that, skip on to the next thing. No more commercials, no more hassle. And when i get out of the car, I put my station on hold and it waits till I'm ready in the afternoon to start back up again. I hope that makes it real easy for non podcasting people to understand.

So what do I listen to on iSky radio? Well, I do have some favorites now that I've been station manager for 4+ months now. My tech shows out number my "other" shows, but I like tech shows cause its the way I am. Here below is the shows I am subscribed to, and a little bit of information about them. *To subscribe to any of these shows in iTunes, or in your favorite podcasting software, simple copy and paste the feed for each show. In iTunes 4.9 and 5, click the advanced tab, then 'subscribe to podcast'. Then paste the feed into the box that pops up, thats it!

'The Starkcast' - http://feeds.feedburner.com/starkcast - A show hosted my Jim K, that comes out once a week, sunday usually. A catch-all podcast that covers tech, entertainment, politics, funny bits, ranting, raving, swearing...it's like the entire internet in one convenient place! I don't want to say too much, just letting you know its under the Explicit tag in iTunes.

Adam Curry: Daily Source Code - http://www.curry.com/xml/rss.xml - THE PODCAST that started it all. Adam Curry, the godfather of podcasting is still going strong. I would say his show is like the water cooler spot for podcasting. Its the show that everyone listens to. And its not a bad show either. I would admit that it does get a little slow at times, but then it rocks once in a while as well. I enjoy the music and some of the rants. If you want to know about podcasting, you need to hear Adam.

Ancestor - http://feeds.feedburner.com/ancestor - For those who didn't catch Earthcore, Scott Sigler is an awesome author. He doesn't have anything published as of yet (Earthcore the paperback will be out soon on Amazon) but his books rock. I listened to all of Earthcore. Each week a new episode came out, and each week you kept wanting more. Some people called it Earthcrack. I've you ever have been addicted to tv show, like 24, you'll know what its like. Here is the describion of this new podnovel. This new story just started last night, so download the first one, and look every week for a new one! "The audiobook follow-up to Sigler's smash-hit podcast novel EarthCore. On a remote island in Lake Superior, scientists struggle to solve the problem of xenotransplantation -- using animal tissue to replace failing human organs. Funded by the biotech firm Genada, Dr. Claus Rhumkorrf seeks to recreate the ancestor of all mammals. By getting back to the root of our creation, Rhumorrf hopes to create an animal with human internal organs. Rhumkorrf discovers the ancestor, but it is not the small, harmless creature he envisions. His genius gives birth to a fast-growing evil that nature eradicated 350 million years ago -- an evil now on the loose, and very, very hungry."

Cinecast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/cinecast - Quite simple, a movie podcast. A bi-weekly podcast from Chicago featuring new Movie Reviews, Top 5 Lists, Overlooked DVD Picks and insightful film talk with Adam Kempenaar and Sam Hallgren.

Diggnation - http://feeds.feedburner.com/diggnation - Diggnation is a weekly tech/web culture show based on the top digg.com social bookmarking news stories. Hosted by Kevin Rose & Alex Albrecht. In regular speak, two guys talk about tech and web stuff that was popular on the site digg.com. Its cool cause its kind of a guy's tech show, very easy show. Check it out, it comes out once a week too.

Geek News Central Podcast - http://www.geeknewscentral.com/podcast.xml - A tech show, a bit geeky podcast that comes out every Tuesday and Friday. For the geek at heart, its very cool. Check out the website as well.

Inside Mac Radio - iTunes Only Link - A daily podcast, under 10 minutes, with all the Apple computer news for each day. On Saturday, the super long 2 hour show, with interviews and much more info.

Jimmy Jet - http://www.jimmyjet.com/wordpress/wp-rss2.php - The "show about nothing" but really it isn't. Comes out 3 times a week and talks about cool things. Every show there is a, this day in history, along with some other cool facts. Then to wrap it up, something entertaining as well. I would recommend this one cause its so cool.

Keith and The Girl - http://shitecom.libsyn.com/rss/ - My favorite podcast! I would call it a morning style podcast. A guy, keith, and his girlfriend talk each day. Living in New York City, and working as clowns, Keith and the girl make everything entertaining. The show comes out on Monday-Friday. So, 5 times a week. Its so great, you have to listen. It's under comedy cause it is supposed to be funny, and it is. Just make sure you listen to it with an open mind...

MacCast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/maccast - A show for Mac Geeks by Mac Geeks. It covers everything Macintosh. Keep up to date on the latest Mac news, topics and rumors. Throw in a good dose of helpful tips and listener questions and feedback and you have the MacCast. Enjoy!

This Week in Tech - http://leo.am/podcasts/twit - The most popular podcast I would be willing to say. And also a fellow Petaluma guy. Leo Laporte is the host of a tech roundtable. Yes, another geek/tech podcast, but this one is good as well. The show is done live at a restaurant now.

Security Now - http://leo.am/podcasts/ns - Another podcast done by Leo Laporte. This one, you should listen to. It talks about security on your computer. If you have a windows computer, or are interested in security tips at all, you need to listen. It has plenty of tips and tricks for people to help keep themselves secure on the net. Make sure you download all the episodes from the past as well. Its only 4 shows to download... and its worth your time.

The InfidelGuy Show - http://www.infidelguy.com/infidelguy_shows.rss - Program discussing science, religion, philosophy, the paranormal and atheism with great guests brought to you from a skeptical perspective by an atheist in Atlanta, Georgia.

Hey, that's it! Wow, that took a long time to get all those links and stuff, so please check them out. I don't want all my time to go to waste. Let me know what your listening to as well so I can listen too. Have a great day everyone!

It's a Monique post!

You know what is really wierd? Sometimes, when I'm not really thinking, I realize things that I already knew but had forgotten. Like, when you've known someone for a really long time, you don't really remember all the things that initially got you interested in them (and probably vice versa). Well it was really weird. Let me explain...on Sunday I spent most of the day with Skyler. We just chilled and sat around and did some homework and went in the hot tub right. So after the hot tub Skyler decides he wants to go play guitar in his dad's studio so he can show me Mr. Fuhrman's new paint job. It actually looks pretty awesome! Anyways, Sky grabs the (pink?) guitar and starts playing. It's funny cuz when he does that I totally have these mad flashbacks to all the guitar playing he used to do in high school. Skyler is like the most amazing guitarist I have ever known. Seriously. Everyone should know this, but I'm afraid he doesn't play as much anymore. I just remember all the concerts and competitions he played in while he was in high school (even when he wasn't) and he is really amazing. Even his songs rule! He is just so confident with that guitar in his hands, and let me tell you people, guitarists have this exotic sexiness about them. It's not like damn he's hot; but it's more like, wow, what a talent he's got. Well, then he tried to teach me. He tought me like these four or five chords or something or other of Peter Gunn, and it was horrible. I am terrible. I certainly haven't practiced as much as he has. But it was pretty cool! I was playing guitar! It was sweet. Okay, what else...
Oh yeah! We (me and Skyler) went and saw The Aristocrats. Whoa...so disgusting. It was this whole documentary of comics just telling this joke over and over again and decomposing and explaining it. It was rather intersting. Some funny parts. Some funny people that I never knew about. Learn something new everyday. So yeah.
BIG NEWS: Sky got new shoes today! I had my first Chemistry Exam today!
Small news: You can't see this. Haha...no, the iPod nanos ARE FREAKING SWEET!
Anyway, yes. Oh and tomorrow I have badminton. I love badminton. Sometimes I really don't understand it, but it is really awesome. I just get this cool feeling from going every tuesday and just being there and playing. But I need new shoes. :( Mine are busting up my knees cuz I have worn out the support in them. Which is stinky, because I don't know if I have enough money to even pay my bills ... argh!
I love chocolate. I really want some right now. Actually right now I really am craving a York peppermint patty. So random, but so freaking good. Okay, well I am running out of things to talk about. My life isn't going around in too many circles, but I'll let you peeps know if it does.
Check out the newspaper (Argus) on Wednesday and see if Sky and I are in it!
Places or things for you to check out:
Have a good week peeps!

Drafted by: Monique

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Saturday Night

Hey everyone,
I hope everyone is having a good Saturday night. My day has been excelent. I'll tell you all about it so here we go. After staying up till midnight last night, I thought that I would try to wake up early this morning so I could get some work done. I figured seven and a half hours would be a nice sleep time, so I set my alarm for 7:40ish. I once heard that you sleep in intervals of an hour thirty minutes. I heard it takes you about an hour thirty minutes to go through a cycle of REM sleep. That's the time in your sleep when your eyes move up and down. The time when you get your best rest. I also heard that its better to wake up after or befor you next cycle. I think the place that I heard this also said that the reason you can sleep really long and still feel tired is that you woke up mid-REM, and that you don't feel awake because you were in the middle of your REM. It could also explain why you might feel better after getting six hours of sleep sometimes (if you plan your REM cycle right). So I dunno if this is true, but it is how I try to organize my sleep time. If anyone has any info on if this is true, let me know! Send me an email and let me know.

Okay, so I get a bit off subject. So I ened up waking up before my alarm clock went off, but I layed in bed half asleep till 7:50. From then I got up and tried to get ready for the day. I had planned on working some of my jobs (I'm a janitor working for my dad btw) this morning before going to be with Monique. I didn't end up getting out of my house till 9:10 though cause I was lazy. I started downloaded the newest episode of The OC for Monique before I left as well. I ended up going to work and doing all that. This morning was my big job. This week, my dad assigned me to do things a bit different this week. Instead of doing the rag cleaning on all 7 of our jobs, I was told to do the "rag" part on 2 of them, and do the vaccumming on all of them. So this morning I had to do the rag part and vaccumming on the biggest job we had. I took me over 2 hours to do it all. It goes be faster than you would think, cause your working every second of it. It also went fast cause I was listening to last week's TwiT. I finally finished up, very proud of my work. I believe this was the first time I did a full job by myself. I'm glad to see that my dad trusts me to do it all by myself. Okay, the only thing I didn't do was the bathrooms, but I'm sure I'll learn that in time as well.

So I went up to Monique's house around noon. I was invited to go see Must Love Dogs with Monique and her Mom. We took the drive up to Santa Rosa to the Roxy. It was fun to listen to Monique and her Mom, Melinda, talk about girl things. I just sit in the back and listen, I try not to say much. Its kind of like going to the zoo and you can watch the animals in their "natural" habitat. Hehe, okay, kind of a joke, but I thought it was funny. They aren't animals, but I also like to know how people interact with one another. When Monique tells me how conversations work with her parents, I also like to know the other point of view. So, I really like to see how people talk to one another, and see how they interact. I keep track of the mood of the conversation, the language, and physical expression when people talk. So I kept track of how they were talking.

The movie was much better than I thought it would be. I thought for a romantic comedy, it was not so bad. Of course, some parts were very predictable, but other things kept you guessing. I also really like John Cossack (sp?). He reminds me of my dad, along with myself. So, that's how the movie went.

The afternoon was filled with going to the mall, taking along her brother Davide. My mission was to find a new pair of shoes. After walking though the whole mall, I was once again looking at Vans again. I just like the way the shoes look. Skater shoes or not, I like them, so there. Maybe the reason I don't care about shoes, is that I don't associate shoes to certain lifestyles. I guess some people think that if you wear Vans, your a certain style of kid or person. I don't ever see that. I really think your attitude and personality really determine what kind of person you are.

I got my first Portuguese soccer experience last night. The males of Monique's recorded a soccer game on TiVo, and they watched it after it was done. It was damn cool to see how Tivo worked. I've heard lots about it, and know about it, but this was really cool to see in person. Just like a VHS recorder, you just record tv comming in and watch it later. Man, sounds just like podcasting. Time shifted video though, not audio. I'd sure like to record the Daily Show every night. Anyway, the soccer game was fun. We all sat down to watch it. Monique's dad and I talked about soccer, as he explained how it works. I have to say, I really don't know much more than the basics when it comes to soccer. I know how many players there are, you use your feet, I know the positions, and stuff like that, but I got lots of information last night. What was cooler was that I got to learn how soccer works in Europe. More specifally, Portugal. I'll do my best to explain how this works, and if I get something wrong, leave me a comment to get it right. So, they have a nation league, with 6 times. Under that, there is another league with about 6 teams as well. The first, or top league plays all year, and the top three teams of that year stay up on the top league, while the three lower teams move into the lower bracket. So, the top 3 teams from the lower league move up into the upper league. Wow, complicated, but how cool is that? Davide (Monique's Dad) was saying that each city in Portugal has a team, and there are "county" teams as well. It's just like in every part of life. And it's all year long. So soccer is a very big part of the culture where everyone, I'm guessing mostly males, play and play each year. The better they are, the higher they get. Then we also talked about the world cup, and how the teams are picked there. If you think of the USA like each state in a country, it works like that. So for me, it would be like California versus the rest of the nation. Talk about national pride for your country. It just sounds like this really cool thing, and I'll defently check it out next year. I'll of course root for good ole' USA, but I do have a portuguese soccer shirt...

I think that's long enough for all of you to get though. Hope everyone has/had an awesome weekend and I'll be checking back later. Till then, smile!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Monique's Graduation

Monique's Graduation
Originally uploaded by skylerf85.

I think this is just a wonderful picture of Monique. If you agree, let a comment here or on flick. :-D

Things To See

Hey everyone, hope you had a good day. Mine was sure great. I don't plan on talking a lot today, but I do have some things for you to read and check out. Below are some quotes that I've collected that I thought were good. Below that are some links to try as well. Have a great evening everyone, and a wonderful tomorrow!

Good Quotes

"Knowledge is potiental, action is power."

"Video games cause violence like spoons cause obesity."

"Smile when picking up the phone, the caller will hear it in your voice."


How bad is it to put a computer on the net without a firewall or anti-virus? We'll, let's just say it isn't pretty. Check this article out! ...Okay, now that your scared, here is what you need. This should be obvious, but you should have anti virus software if you have a pc, and software firewall. What is more important though is a router. This is a very good line of defence. If you want to lean more about internet security, without being too techie, check out Security Now. It's a podcast about internet security that you will find very useful if you listen. Okay, happy surfing :-D

I found a funny video of a weather man loosing his cool when the news anchor women is talking to him. Its funny and it'll give you a laugh... (http://retrospection.net/videofiles/hurricanekat.php)

I'm going to be trying out this Pocket Mod thing for a while, check it out with me. It's a cool little thing.http://www.pocketmod.com/

Apple News

Hey everyone, for those who don't know, lots went down with Apple today. No more iPod mini's, now we have the iPod nano. We also have a new iTunes version 5 out as well. If you have iTunes right now, make sure you upgrade as soon as you can. There was also some updates to Quicktime, but that's more for mac people. I'm going to watch the keynote speech later and let you know what else there is. Till then, check out the new stuff!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tuesday using ecto

Hey everyone, Its Tuesday night here and I'm back on the computer. I had a great day today. I was a little late getting up and out of the house, it that's normal on a Monday (like) morning. I made it over to Monique's house in plenty of time. From her house we car pooled over to the junior college.

What made today great was that I didn't have my 9am morning class. My teacher called me yesterday to cancel. Kind of funny to hear your teachers voice on your cell phone. But, I guess it happens. Anyway, today was a simple day at school. Philosophy was great. We've started talking about the morality of abortion, so that's interesting. I've come up with my own ideas on the subject. If I get passionate about it, I'll add them at some point later.

So, tonight is the night before we are due to appear in the Argus Courier. I'm excited to see what the article looks like. It was cool to keep it a surprise from Monique's parents. I hope they are surprised and proud at the same time. I've download a new bloger software called ecto, and I'm using it now. I hope it works good. It seems to be doing fine at the moment. I just have to spend some time learning it so I can get the most out of it. But I know that won't be hard or take too long. This post was kind of a test for this software and to talk a little about my day. Okay everyone, have a great Wednesday and don't forget to smile!!!

What's on my iTunes

Rain from the album "Alien Love Child" by Eric Johnson

Monday, September 05, 2005

Skyler at Dinner

Skyler at Dinner
Originally uploaded by moeishellofcool.
Yay! Our pictures from Saturday's dinner.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

10 Months

Wow, what a day. Also, what a great weekend so far. I've had an awesome Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so I plan to share it all with you. First off was Friday at weight watchers. Well, I finally did it. I'VE LOST 50 POUNDS!!! Wow that's a lot. I would have never thought I could do something like that. The best part is, I feel great. I think I look amazing and I feel the same now. Its such a good trade off. I loose 50, and gain a lot of self confidence. I think most people would be willing to do that. It's taken about 6 months though, so it wasn't anything overnight. Once again, I thank all of those people who have been here to help me along my jounrey. In about 10 pounds or so, I will reach goal, then I don't have to loose anymore weight. Crazy to think that I'm almost done. I wonder what it'll be like. Well, when I get there, I'll let you all know. There is so much to say about weight loss, I'll have to write another post just about my journal. I'll probably get to that when I reach goal. Maybe give some advise to people out there who want some tips. Oh yeah, anyone is welcome to ask me any sort of advise about my weight journal.

Now we get to yesterday (Saturday). In the morning, I woke up early to head to G&G Market to buy a flower for Monique. Every since we started going out, at every month since we've been going out, I have bought Monique a red carnation flower. Its something cool that was just our thing. But now everyone here knows. After getting back, I helped my parents set up for our yard sale. It was lots of crap for sale, and I'm glad we got most of it. I think our goal was to get ride of stuff, and if we got any money on the side, all the better. That sort of mentallity going into a yard sale will make it easier for you. I mean, if you really want to get some money for that item you have, sell it on eBay! There is no point trying to get money out of one item. People go to yard sales to buy stuff cheap. Okay, enough of that rant. But, yard sales are fun things to go to when you want to look at other people's junk. Haha, we use to do it all the time.

Okay, around 10 am, Monique stopped by to say hi and drop her car off before she went to badminton. There was an open gym at the high school, so she and her friend Torie went and had some fun. I walked down at around 11 to meet up with her. I ran into her old coach and we talked for a bit. She was telling me that Monique was really excited today and that she was telling everyone about our 10 months together. It made me smile. I watched Monique, Torie, and two other kids play badmitton untill there game was over. At that point, I walked over to Monique, giving her the flower I had gotten her. She smiled real big and gave me a kiss. We both then helped clean up the gym.

Within a few minutes, I was back home again. This time, Monique stayed over for a bit before she was heading home. We played on the computer and talked back and forth like we usually do. She stayed for about an hour then left. She had a big surprise waiting for me, but I couldn't know what it was. I had been guessing what it was for the last few days.

I waited at my house while Monique drove home and got ready. After a while, I couldn't take the wait, so I got off my butt to go do something. I decided to go out looking for the cologne that is Monique's favorite. I had a sample spray that I had used up before she had left, and now I was out of it. Not only was it her favorite scent, but I had gotten so use to it, it really felt like my scent. So, I went out looking for it. I hit 7 stores in Petaluma, but couldn't find it. With my misfurtune, I headed up to Rhonert Park early. I did however make a stop at Trader Joe's and got Monique some beautiful flowers. A bit pricier than normal, thought they were really worth it. I had plans to go to the malls in Santa Rosa to continue my search for my smell, but the bad traffic made me get off at Monique's freeway exit.

I know it couldn't be long untill Monique called me, so I headed to the place I knew I could relax and wait. I stopped at the park a block from Monique's house to lay down under the tree's and listen to a podcast. I was there for around 10 minutes before I got the call. Right away, I was off and knocking on her door.

I opened to find Monique giving me that huge smile that makes everything feel alright. She told me she was planning on surprising me with dinner, but she couldn't bear to have me away from her anymore. I thought it was real cute. She said she wanted to have everything all ready for when I arrived, but she knew should couldn't do it fast enough. I told her it's the thought that counts. We walked into the kitchen and started cooking right then.

I must say, Monique has some major cooking skills. She kept saying the whole time while things were cooking that she wasn't a good cook. I kept smiling at her and telling her its all about confidence. You can't expect to cook a perfect meal your first time. I don't expect that at all. I just loved the idea of us having a home cooked meal. Might sound funny to some people, but for us, that's more special than going out. Its like, everytime we get to eat with one another, we go out somewhere. Usually El Torito. So, I found this night so much more special. We picked up some sparkling sider at a local market, along with some angel food cake mix, and strawberries.

When everything was done and cooked, we sat down and ate. Like i've said before, and I'll say again, it was a really special night. Something about the whole day just kept me feeling so special. I hope that's what Monique's goal was, cause it sure worked out great. I really can't describe how great I feel to be there with her eating. I must say that it was even more special that she made me dinner. And boy, was it good! I'll put up some photos on flicker so everyone can check them out. Once again, it was just so special, and I enjoyed every second of it.

After dinner, we cleaned up and I started to make the cake. Once everything was shinny clean, we threw the cake in the oven, and went to the tv to watch a DVD we picked up. I choose Friday Night Lights. It was a good movie. Very football oriented, but it wasn't a sports movie of sorts. It was just a good drama. We sat and watched the movie sitting next to one another. Half way threw, we stopped to eat the cake. Angel food cake with chopped strawberries and a sugar glaze on top. Yummy! It was damn good! :-D

We'll after the movie was done, we just lied down on the couch and watched tv till I started to fall asleep at around 11:30. Monique woke me up and I headed home. I talked to her on the drive to keep me company. When I got home, I went to bed. And that was my day. Wow, what a great 10 month anniversary. Okay, this is getting long enough, so I'm going to cut off here. More about Sunday and Monday soon...

Sex can wait...


What an AMAZING day!

Yesterday was awesome. Awesome. I will post some pics once Sky talks about it. Other than that I just wanted to add a very important ticker to our blog! Enjoy peeps.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Happy ten month anniversary to us! I love you Skyler Fuhrman!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Skyler RULES!!!

Skyler RULES!!!, originally uploaded by skylerf85.

Isn't it the bomb? I totally made that. Look at him, SO CRAZY! :-) Hehe...*xoxo*Monique

Friday, September 02, 2005


Read this!

*Click here!*


Holla peeps. It's not really September 2nd right now, but I didn't want to put this post at the top. I haven't gotten to talk about my kitty-witty. She is like the cutest thing ever! Isn't she???

I got her like a while ago, on a wednesday! She is the cutest, sweetest little kitty ever. Huh, Lil? Lol, she is sitting her watching me type this and wondering what the heck is going on. :-D I love kitties!!! *xoxo*


Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm lovin' it.

Seriously, today seemed to like drag on! School is sooooooo boring sometimes. I carpooled up to the JC with Batman again today. That was good. Then I had to go to math which was a half hour long because the teacher was sick...then I went to the lounge and read about abortion for philosophy. Afterwards I met my luvverboy and then we went out to lunch! Yay for Baja Fresh! :-D Good stuff. That ruled. Then we had philosophy which was okay, I guess. Oh my gosh, then I had english. I swear, the first couple of days were fun in Farve's class, but like now it just seems to take forever. Probably because I was soooo sleepy. I don't know why but I was really tired! Anyways, then Sky and I came home. We cleaned my house (good job us!) and then watched a little bit of t.v. Sky pretty much had an orgasm (ha) at the sight of our new t.v. He like flipped out. He's like, "Oh my god it's high definition, widescreen, so nice, omg!" I was like okay, yeah, it's just a tv. BUT HELLO PEOPLE! LIKE SIX DAYS TO THE O.C. SEASON PREMIERE!!! That's what's important. Anyways, then we went to his casa and had some dinner. Yum. Then we went to see the girl's soccer game for a lil while. And then, yay, we came back and went in the HOT tub. Oh, so nice. Hottubs are so freakin' awesome. It felt so good. It was really romantic with all the candlelight and the RBF in the background and the lights in the tubs strobing different colors. It was awesome. After that we hung out for a little while and watched some Family Guy and the Daily Show and then I had to come home. Pooey! Well, now, here I am wondering what I'm doing still awake. I'll probably go to sleep in like five seconds. Damn...okay. FOUR DAY WEEKEND! This rules. Everyone have a super de duper weekend and don't forget to buy the Argus Courier on wednesday next week! *xoxo*

**Don't you just love our new openning photo??**