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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Greatings from the Gym

Wow, I remember how good it feels to be all ready in the morning again. I got myself to the gym again this morning after having to break though a painful nose cold. I sat down and drank some tea right when I got up, and that gave me enough relief to get me out the door. I started back on my stomach exercises and I must say that it wasn't hard at all. Just like I knew it would be. Oh, when I say it wasn't hard at all, I don't mean it wasn't a workout, it just wasn't hard after I had done it. I jumped on a elliptical machine for my normal 20 minutes and worked my butt off. Okay, I wasn't hurting myself, but I kept increasing the resistance till I got my heart rate nice and high. When I work out like that, it feels normal to me. To me, it just feels good to work my heart a little. I guess I'm just young, or crazy, or both. I also must say, I don't know why I tried working out without music. It makes me work so much harder. I use to listen to lecture stuff like informational programs or inspirational things. I find that I don't listen all the way, and I don't work out as hard. So, its back to Big D and the Kid's Table. If you check out this link to the iTunes music store, you'll hear the music I listened to this morning. Nothing like that first song to get me going. Well, I also want to say happy 4th of July to everyone. Have a safe and fun day.


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