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Thursday, July 27, 2006

After the Workout - Post 1

Day one of my week long "after the workout" blog posts. This morning, I thought I would talk about things to get people motivated. I talked with Monique yesterday about this, so I thought that other people might be interested in this topic. I like to ask the question, "How much would it take for you to get motivated"? I want to get you to think about that sort of motivation do you think you need to get going doing something. How much money do you need to spent, or how much time to you need to give to get yourself to do something. Since we were talking about exercise, my examples will revolve around that. For you to get motivated about doing a workout or exercise program, ask yourself, what do you really need to get going. Do you need to get a new pair of shoes so that your feet won't hurt, or do you just need a pair a shoes to feel good. Do you need to join a gym so that you feel like you can workout now? Maybe you have other non-material factors that will help you. Does the idea of looking the way you want make you want to get off your butt? For me, I know that the idea of not having to do something again is a bigger motivation than getting something good. As in, I'd rather just do some chore to feel good about not having to do it, as opposed to feeling good about doing it. I use to think this was not the way to think and feel, but I find that as long as I get the thing done, it works. Well, i'll be writing something each morning after I workout. Not that they will be about exercise, but i think exercise is a good metaphor for life. Have a great Thursday everyone!


Anonymous said...

Nicely put... What is it that motivates us to change our behaviour ? Why is it different from one day to the next ? Why do we have to "make a deal" with ourselves in order to become motivated ? I feel motivated to cross tasks off of a list, so using a list of tasks is helpful... I also realize that life is smoother and my brain is less cluttered when I get something done that I have been resisting. It is so much easier to get it done,than spending the time thinking about it or worrying over it... Have a great Thursday !

iMusickid said...

Yeah, I think that is a great way to get things done as well. I find that writting everything down in my head makes my mind clean. Then I don't have to worry about remembering what I was trying to remember. Plus I find that anytime I write things down, I get more things done and much faster. Just my thoughts...