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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mom's New Computer

Here I am, posting from my mom's new computer in the office area downstairs. Usually I post from my laptop, at around 10 at night when I'm supposed to be sleeping. It's been a while, so I have a lot to catch up on; hopefully I can do so effectively while I wait for the rice to be done for dinner (18 mins). Anyhoo...it's been a day. Haven't done much really. Woke up about 8:30 a.m. and ate some breakfast. Cleaned up the house and stuff and then went a returned something at WalMart and headed over to the grocery store. And, man! was that place nuts! We got there and there were two cop cars and an abulance outside...something happened inside! But what, I don't know. They had so many Safeway employees blocking the view that I couldn't get a look. Anyways, when we got there there was obviously no parking because half of Rohnert Park had decided to put off buying their SuperBowl snacks until the day of, so it was throughly nuts! I was driving around looking for a parking spot after dropping my mom off by the entrance, and the drive around was just like looking for a spot at SRJC during peak hours. People are camping out to see if anyone near them will back out sometime. And right then something that someone had said in a speech in my Speech class last week came to mind. It wasn't actually a speech, but it was something he had suggested as an "open with impact" statement. Let me clarify that parking at the JC is a nightmare. And because of the nightmare last semester, pretty much everyday I ended up going to school around an hour and half earlier than my class! Believe it or not. This semester I wisened up and instead I'm taking a class at 7:30 am! Woohoo! Anyway, back to the speech thought. He suggested that a funny/witty way to open a speech about how awful SRJC parking was would be to say: "Trying to find a parking spot at the JC is like trying to drive, wipe your baby, talk on your cell phone, and paint your toenails at the same time!" Not only is that remarkably true, in a certain way of course, it was totally hilarious. Imagine someone trying to do that. Luckily when I get there around 7:15 I don't have any issues, and I pretty much get any pick I want. So that, of course is cool. Moving on...

Remaining on the speech topic: I gave
my speech on Wednesday of last week (the 1st) and that same day this guy gave a speech about how he hated those rolly back packs. It was soooo funny. Basically, to me, it seemed that he was doing some improvisation right up there. But he was good! He made it funny and acted out just about most of what he was saying...he put his backpack on a rolling chair and rolled around, acting out reasons why it seems silly to even have such a backpack. Not only did he have half the class rolling on the floor, but he made some good points, too! The funniest, and by far the best "close with impact" of the day was: "So, if you see any of those people walking down the path and you see me coming, you might just want to go up to them, tap them on the shoulder, and say, 'Hey, you might want to keep out of his way.'" So great. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when we get to hear the rest of the class' speeches.

So anyway, yesterday, Saturday, we went up to Ukiah for a scrimmage game with my team. It was muy boring. It was such a long drive, and then we got there and the field was totally shitty. There was horribly long grass, two foot holes at each goal (which they filled with CAT LITTER), and everything was wet and cold. It was weird. We played a scoreless 1st half, and then ended up scoring in the second half. The scored ended at 1-1 because the scored a pretty flukey goal. :( But oh well. Then we came home and chilled. I rented The Legend of Zorro and watched that with my mom and dad (my bro was out), and it turned out to be really good! I liked it a lot. :D And speaking of movies, today I watched Finding Nemo after working on some homework. Such a cute movie. Everytime I watch it, it still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Hehe.

That was about all today. I am looking forward to FAMILY GUY at 8:30 for a full NINETY MINUTES! YES!!! I love Family Guy and I haven't seen a new one is so long (actually last week, but who cares). I am excited. Also, the new OC this Thursday should be sweet. Unfortunately, my working boyfriend won't be here to watch it with me.

Speaking of work, I am still out of it. Van Heusen apparently is undergoing some remodelling and I haven't heard anything about it as of yet. Sadly, of course. I am still getting paid (woot woot!), but it still is sorta depressing that nothing is really happening there. But all will be good once we reopen; I'm sure people are truly missing us. I would, that's for sure. I miss it. 0:-)

Alright, well I've probably written too much to handle as it is. Check out SkynMoe #002, our second podcast. You can find the link to it down below. Enjoy! <3,>


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