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Sunday, September 04, 2005

10 Months

Wow, what a day. Also, what a great weekend so far. I've had an awesome Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so I plan to share it all with you. First off was Friday at weight watchers. Well, I finally did it. I'VE LOST 50 POUNDS!!! Wow that's a lot. I would have never thought I could do something like that. The best part is, I feel great. I think I look amazing and I feel the same now. Its such a good trade off. I loose 50, and gain a lot of self confidence. I think most people would be willing to do that. It's taken about 6 months though, so it wasn't anything overnight. Once again, I thank all of those people who have been here to help me along my jounrey. In about 10 pounds or so, I will reach goal, then I don't have to loose anymore weight. Crazy to think that I'm almost done. I wonder what it'll be like. Well, when I get there, I'll let you all know. There is so much to say about weight loss, I'll have to write another post just about my journal. I'll probably get to that when I reach goal. Maybe give some advise to people out there who want some tips. Oh yeah, anyone is welcome to ask me any sort of advise about my weight journal.

Now we get to yesterday (Saturday). In the morning, I woke up early to head to G&G Market to buy a flower for Monique. Every since we started going out, at every month since we've been going out, I have bought Monique a red carnation flower. Its something cool that was just our thing. But now everyone here knows. After getting back, I helped my parents set up for our yard sale. It was lots of crap for sale, and I'm glad we got most of it. I think our goal was to get ride of stuff, and if we got any money on the side, all the better. That sort of mentallity going into a yard sale will make it easier for you. I mean, if you really want to get some money for that item you have, sell it on eBay! There is no point trying to get money out of one item. People go to yard sales to buy stuff cheap. Okay, enough of that rant. But, yard sales are fun things to go to when you want to look at other people's junk. Haha, we use to do it all the time.

Okay, around 10 am, Monique stopped by to say hi and drop her car off before she went to badminton. There was an open gym at the high school, so she and her friend Torie went and had some fun. I walked down at around 11 to meet up with her. I ran into her old coach and we talked for a bit. She was telling me that Monique was really excited today and that she was telling everyone about our 10 months together. It made me smile. I watched Monique, Torie, and two other kids play badmitton untill there game was over. At that point, I walked over to Monique, giving her the flower I had gotten her. She smiled real big and gave me a kiss. We both then helped clean up the gym.

Within a few minutes, I was back home again. This time, Monique stayed over for a bit before she was heading home. We played on the computer and talked back and forth like we usually do. She stayed for about an hour then left. She had a big surprise waiting for me, but I couldn't know what it was. I had been guessing what it was for the last few days.

I waited at my house while Monique drove home and got ready. After a while, I couldn't take the wait, so I got off my butt to go do something. I decided to go out looking for the cologne that is Monique's favorite. I had a sample spray that I had used up before she had left, and now I was out of it. Not only was it her favorite scent, but I had gotten so use to it, it really felt like my scent. So, I went out looking for it. I hit 7 stores in Petaluma, but couldn't find it. With my misfurtune, I headed up to Rhonert Park early. I did however make a stop at Trader Joe's and got Monique some beautiful flowers. A bit pricier than normal, thought they were really worth it. I had plans to go to the malls in Santa Rosa to continue my search for my smell, but the bad traffic made me get off at Monique's freeway exit.

I know it couldn't be long untill Monique called me, so I headed to the place I knew I could relax and wait. I stopped at the park a block from Monique's house to lay down under the tree's and listen to a podcast. I was there for around 10 minutes before I got the call. Right away, I was off and knocking on her door.

I opened to find Monique giving me that huge smile that makes everything feel alright. She told me she was planning on surprising me with dinner, but she couldn't bear to have me away from her anymore. I thought it was real cute. She said she wanted to have everything all ready for when I arrived, but she knew should couldn't do it fast enough. I told her it's the thought that counts. We walked into the kitchen and started cooking right then.

I must say, Monique has some major cooking skills. She kept saying the whole time while things were cooking that she wasn't a good cook. I kept smiling at her and telling her its all about confidence. You can't expect to cook a perfect meal your first time. I don't expect that at all. I just loved the idea of us having a home cooked meal. Might sound funny to some people, but for us, that's more special than going out. Its like, everytime we get to eat with one another, we go out somewhere. Usually El Torito. So, I found this night so much more special. We picked up some sparkling sider at a local market, along with some angel food cake mix, and strawberries.

When everything was done and cooked, we sat down and ate. Like i've said before, and I'll say again, it was a really special night. Something about the whole day just kept me feeling so special. I hope that's what Monique's goal was, cause it sure worked out great. I really can't describe how great I feel to be there with her eating. I must say that it was even more special that she made me dinner. And boy, was it good! I'll put up some photos on flicker so everyone can check them out. Once again, it was just so special, and I enjoyed every second of it.

After dinner, we cleaned up and I started to make the cake. Once everything was shinny clean, we threw the cake in the oven, and went to the tv to watch a DVD we picked up. I choose Friday Night Lights. It was a good movie. Very football oriented, but it wasn't a sports movie of sorts. It was just a good drama. We sat and watched the movie sitting next to one another. Half way threw, we stopped to eat the cake. Angel food cake with chopped strawberries and a sugar glaze on top. Yummy! It was damn good! :-D

We'll after the movie was done, we just lied down on the couch and watched tv till I started to fall asleep at around 11:30. Monique woke me up and I headed home. I talked to her on the drive to keep me company. When I got home, I went to bed. And that was my day. Wow, what a great 10 month anniversary. Okay, this is getting long enough, so I'm going to cut off here. More about Sunday and Monday soon...

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