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Monday, September 12, 2005

iSky Radio

I haven't really talked about podcasting in a while so I thought it would be time once again. Don't worry, this won't be a long rant. Just some thoughts and some links for everyone to check out.

The reason podcasting is so cool is that it allows me to listen to what I want, when I want. Podcasting also allows me to get away from commercial radio. You know, that thing you I use to listen to in the morning. The cool content that was between commercials and other crap on the radio. I remember a time when I use to listen to good stuff that came on once an hour. Now with podcasts, I can listen to what I want to listen to, when I want to listen to it. It's like Skyler Fuhrman is the station manager at iSky radio. (I know that radio stations start with a k on the west coast, but since I have an iPod, I'm in change of iSky radio. If you still don't get it, I'm taking the i from iPod, and adding my own 3 letter tag at the end to make it my own). In the morning, maybe an hour long tech show about what's going on with apple computers. As soon as I'm done with that, skip on to the next thing. No more commercials, no more hassle. And when i get out of the car, I put my station on hold and it waits till I'm ready in the afternoon to start back up again. I hope that makes it real easy for non podcasting people to understand.

So what do I listen to on iSky radio? Well, I do have some favorites now that I've been station manager for 4+ months now. My tech shows out number my "other" shows, but I like tech shows cause its the way I am. Here below is the shows I am subscribed to, and a little bit of information about them. *To subscribe to any of these shows in iTunes, or in your favorite podcasting software, simple copy and paste the feed for each show. In iTunes 4.9 and 5, click the advanced tab, then 'subscribe to podcast'. Then paste the feed into the box that pops up, thats it!

'The Starkcast' - http://feeds.feedburner.com/starkcast - A show hosted my Jim K, that comes out once a week, sunday usually. A catch-all podcast that covers tech, entertainment, politics, funny bits, ranting, raving, swearing...it's like the entire internet in one convenient place! I don't want to say too much, just letting you know its under the Explicit tag in iTunes.

Adam Curry: Daily Source Code - http://www.curry.com/xml/rss.xml - THE PODCAST that started it all. Adam Curry, the godfather of podcasting is still going strong. I would say his show is like the water cooler spot for podcasting. Its the show that everyone listens to. And its not a bad show either. I would admit that it does get a little slow at times, but then it rocks once in a while as well. I enjoy the music and some of the rants. If you want to know about podcasting, you need to hear Adam.

Ancestor - http://feeds.feedburner.com/ancestor - For those who didn't catch Earthcore, Scott Sigler is an awesome author. He doesn't have anything published as of yet (Earthcore the paperback will be out soon on Amazon) but his books rock. I listened to all of Earthcore. Each week a new episode came out, and each week you kept wanting more. Some people called it Earthcrack. I've you ever have been addicted to tv show, like 24, you'll know what its like. Here is the describion of this new podnovel. This new story just started last night, so download the first one, and look every week for a new one! "The audiobook follow-up to Sigler's smash-hit podcast novel EarthCore. On a remote island in Lake Superior, scientists struggle to solve the problem of xenotransplantation -- using animal tissue to replace failing human organs. Funded by the biotech firm Genada, Dr. Claus Rhumkorrf seeks to recreate the ancestor of all mammals. By getting back to the root of our creation, Rhumorrf hopes to create an animal with human internal organs. Rhumkorrf discovers the ancestor, but it is not the small, harmless creature he envisions. His genius gives birth to a fast-growing evil that nature eradicated 350 million years ago -- an evil now on the loose, and very, very hungry."

Cinecast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/cinecast - Quite simple, a movie podcast. A bi-weekly podcast from Chicago featuring new Movie Reviews, Top 5 Lists, Overlooked DVD Picks and insightful film talk with Adam Kempenaar and Sam Hallgren.

Diggnation - http://feeds.feedburner.com/diggnation - Diggnation is a weekly tech/web culture show based on the top digg.com social bookmarking news stories. Hosted by Kevin Rose & Alex Albrecht. In regular speak, two guys talk about tech and web stuff that was popular on the site digg.com. Its cool cause its kind of a guy's tech show, very easy show. Check it out, it comes out once a week too.

Geek News Central Podcast - http://www.geeknewscentral.com/podcast.xml - A tech show, a bit geeky podcast that comes out every Tuesday and Friday. For the geek at heart, its very cool. Check out the website as well.

Inside Mac Radio - iTunes Only Link - A daily podcast, under 10 minutes, with all the Apple computer news for each day. On Saturday, the super long 2 hour show, with interviews and much more info.

Jimmy Jet - http://www.jimmyjet.com/wordpress/wp-rss2.php - The "show about nothing" but really it isn't. Comes out 3 times a week and talks about cool things. Every show there is a, this day in history, along with some other cool facts. Then to wrap it up, something entertaining as well. I would recommend this one cause its so cool.

Keith and The Girl - http://shitecom.libsyn.com/rss/ - My favorite podcast! I would call it a morning style podcast. A guy, keith, and his girlfriend talk each day. Living in New York City, and working as clowns, Keith and the girl make everything entertaining. The show comes out on Monday-Friday. So, 5 times a week. Its so great, you have to listen. It's under comedy cause it is supposed to be funny, and it is. Just make sure you listen to it with an open mind...

MacCast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/maccast - A show for Mac Geeks by Mac Geeks. It covers everything Macintosh. Keep up to date on the latest Mac news, topics and rumors. Throw in a good dose of helpful tips and listener questions and feedback and you have the MacCast. Enjoy!

This Week in Tech - http://leo.am/podcasts/twit - The most popular podcast I would be willing to say. And also a fellow Petaluma guy. Leo Laporte is the host of a tech roundtable. Yes, another geek/tech podcast, but this one is good as well. The show is done live at a restaurant now.

Security Now - http://leo.am/podcasts/ns - Another podcast done by Leo Laporte. This one, you should listen to. It talks about security on your computer. If you have a windows computer, or are interested in security tips at all, you need to listen. It has plenty of tips and tricks for people to help keep themselves secure on the net. Make sure you download all the episodes from the past as well. Its only 4 shows to download... and its worth your time.

The InfidelGuy Show - http://www.infidelguy.com/infidelguy_shows.rss - Program discussing science, religion, philosophy, the paranormal and atheism with great guests brought to you from a skeptical perspective by an atheist in Atlanta, Georgia.

Hey, that's it! Wow, that took a long time to get all those links and stuff, so please check them out. I don't want all my time to go to waste. Let me know what your listening to as well so I can listen too. Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there Sky & Mo:

Great bit on you guys in The Petaluma Argus Today !

Keep up the good blogging and MORE PODCASTS... please !