Welcome to Skyler and Monique's Blog!


Monday, October 03, 2005



Wow, peeps. Viva la SkynMoe. It is (was?) our 11 month anniversary today! And actually we didn't really do anything special. We went to school. WOOHOO. Actually, it was sorta funny this a.m. I was about to finish getting ready to go to school when I thought it might be a good idea to call and make sure that Skyler was awake and up since he had an 8 a.m. class. Well, I called him and like five minutes into the convo the door bell rings and I'm like whoa, who could that be? I didn't for one second think it was him -- but it was! He even brought me some coffee yay! So that helped a little bit today since the both of us sorta had one of those hectic mondays. I pretty much flunked a nice chemistry test. Yay, I think. And then I had to go to work...another yay. But not so bad. It was still cool cuz Mr. Fuhrman was there to surprise me yet again! And then we went to G&G and he bought me a carnation just like he had for each of our past ten months. It's going to be sad once we pass one year. I hope we still count each month cuz it makes that day that much more special. It's like an excuse to celebrate us, and as far as I know there is nothing wrong with celebrating awesome stuff like being in love. Yep. If you think otherwise then stop being negative. If there's one thing I learned from my lover boy is that being negative brings YOU and everyone around you down, so stop it! Hehe.

~*what a cutie, no?*~

*New things*

-->Keith and the Girl (podcast): soooooo funny. I know I used to tell Skyler that he was weird cuz he like worshiped them, but they are funny and I'm hooked. Check it out peeps! www.keithandthegirl.com

-->Jason Mraz: I love his song "Wordplay." I don't know why, I just do. If you spend $.99 in your life, download that one.

-->Alec Fuhrman: DUH I like him, but his music is literally awesome, too. (my fave: Canciones de San Francisco)

*Random thought*
Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them? (from www.goodquotes.com)
*xoxo*dRaFtEd By MoNiQuE! comments??? please???

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