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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ahoy! Our storm drain runneth over!!!

Check out my awesome pics of my street flooding the night of my birthday. Yeah it definately poured, but did you have to swim home? NO! LoL...I had to take Skyler back home and on the way home from about the intersection of Gavin and Garrett (my street), it was up to our ankles...and then crossing the dips on the sides of the street up to our driveway was up to mid-calf. But then, a half hour or so later, here it all come and soon enough it's in people's garages! That's probably not good...hahaha. Check it out: http://www.flickr.com/photos/moeishellofcool/. It's under the "birthday flood" set if it doesn't automatically show up on top. Bye all!

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