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Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Van Heusen Terrorists

Well, first of all, how is everyone? It's been awhile, duh. Nothing really happening, just finals and being nuts and stuff. Actually, there is a funny story about finals that I shall tell before addressing the headliner. Skyler and I are in our philosophy class at 10 to take our final, right? So we're sitting there, hoping the 2 or 3 hours of studying the night before would help us, and our teacher starts telling us a little story. So he goes, "So last night I had a dream that my wife was following me to school and saying that I was mean to this class and that I should make it up to them. She suggested that I not make them take the final. So I thought, maybe I would start a new tradition: that my last final every semester would get out of taking the final." And guess what? We are the last final. We didn't have to take it. Woo-hoo! Even though we did study and stuff, that would cool to only have to write one essay (for English 1A) that day instead of three plus a million multiple choice. So that was pretty interesting, eh? Kinda good for us, but probably nobody cares.
I was just listening to KATG (if you're not a regular, Kieth and the Girl is a podcast, check it out of course @ keithandthegirl.com), and getting the latest scoop on celebs and stuff. What just about killed me was the comments about Paris Hilton wanting to "get back together" with newly single Nicole Richie. HAHAHAHA! Does anyone else think thats nuts? All we need is those two nitwits gracing the television screens as friends. It is much more interesting when they are talking shit, because together they make the stupidest blonde duo since Barbie and Ken. But who am I to say anything? I sure am not the producers of the Simple Life, right? Anyhoo, moving onto Family Guy tonight. MUY funny! The first Office Space joke I've ever heard on that show. So0o0o0o0o funny. I also watched American Dad tonight because the commercial made it seem interesting, but the jokes just aren't as funny as Family Guy. I am completely depressed about this Desperate Housewives SUSPENSION. WHY on EARTH do they stop shows during the holidays when everyone is ACTUALLY HOME TO WATCH THEM!?!?! I mean, they postponed D.H. until January about two weeks ago! And the O.C. too?! What am I going to do on Sunday and Thursday nights? Sleep? Gosh no.
I don't know about any of you people, but I seriously think that the Showbiz Show with David Spade is hilarious. He just has this way of presenting the "so-called news" that makes celebrities seem like even bigger douche-bags than they really are (which is a lot to say, considering). So watch it peeps...The Showbiz Show.
Okay so now to the real dirt:
Today I go into work at eleven, just to be greeted by pouring rain. Thinking that it is going to be a slow day since few people wish to bear the trying times of rain, I sit back and don't worry about cleaning all freakin' day. But sure enough, every hour or so, here comes a Van Heusen Terrorist. Few people actually know the meaning of terrorist, so dictionary.com told me it simply is: One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism (a.k.a. ruining every display known to man, one sweater at a time). Now, let me explain the common profile of a Van Heusen terrorist:
Commonly possessing the following:
--an oversize purse containing nothing but a wallet and 2,948,265 receipts for "promt" returns.
--many small bags with small purchases
--sticky fingers
--strong purfume
--deer-in-the-headlights glare
Now, while in retail it is our job to serve, it is most certainly not our job to clean up after careless people. What bugs me (and my co-associates) is that the V.H.T.'s will enter the store, make eye contact with the first piece of clothing they will attack, lift the top shirt up (unfolding it in the process) and look at it, then rifle through all the piles to find one in their size in every color and hold those up as well. They then will commonly move on to the next fixture and make our $7.00/hour even MORE hard to earn, moving along until they have reached the men's section at which time they will shuffle up to the socks, and buy a pair or two, just to feel little bit satisfied that the trek was worth it! Now, I know we are there to keep the place clean, but it's not to clean up after indecisive, uncaring shoppers who think their life is the worst. Hello? I work in retail and it's the holidays, I think I am a teeny bit ahead of you. All I ask is that if you must unfold something, please only the top one, because I guarantee all the sizes look exactly the same and only fit a different body size. I promise. Usually, if it's in the same pile, it is the same shirt. For sure. ARGH. So how about that Mr. Bush...how about a war on Van Heusen Terrorists!? Hmm...well...I guess not. Anyway, whatever.
So nothing is really going on with me. I plan to hopefully finish my christmas shopping tomorrow morning/afternoon. I have only one person left, and he's a toughy. But I'll figure something out! Hopefully everyone else has made good progress with that. I know that no one has procrastinated till the last minute, right? Haha. Anyways, everyone have a great week and hopefully I will get a chance to update again soon ( like tomorrow?).

^^One day I will conquer the Van Heusen Terrorists!!!^^

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