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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Graduation! Wow, what a day. I was up early to go to Petco to buy a gift certificate. Then dressed nice to go to play with the band. We played our songs on the grass, then the seniors came out. We played Pop and Circumstance like 10 times in a row, and my lips were hurting. But then again, I'm a band geek, and I thought it was fun. I took a lot of pictures during the Graduation, but haven't seen any pics yet. After all the grads got done, I went with Monique over to her house. She had a family party which was quite fun. Swimming, lots of food, family and friends. I got Monique a silver bracelet along with a Petco gift card. She's getting a cat when she comes back from Portugal, so I got something she will use. It was fun, and I stayed a few hours. I forgot to plan a ride home, so my dad had to come back to pick me up. :-| oops. I left right when she was opening her presents, and I heard later she got a Compaq laptop, along with lots of cash. I'm a bit jealous. But I worked hard this last week, so I got some spending money myself. Anyway, my dad picked me up, and we had a cool drive to Alex's house. We drove the car top down listening to music. Alex's party was mostly wrapping up, but I caught the tail end. It was great to see all the band kids. After that, I came home, and Monique stopped by before she left for Project Grad. The rest of my night was spent making a DVD that I am sooo close to finishing! Okay, night all!

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