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Sunday, June 26, 2005

What's the deal with The Aviator? Last night, Monique and I rented The Aviator, thinking it would be interesting. I had heard good things about it, and I knew it was an Oscar type film, so I thought I'd enjoy it. We started watching it a bit late, starting around 9pm. The first hour was cool, him flying planes and yelling at people. But after a while, the movie started to get boring. I guess I'm a new kid, but I don't know who his lady fried was, that Hefburg. And that went with his other lady friends. Well, the main idea was, the movie had too many loose ends that never were explained or ended. The only real thing in the movie that has an ending is that, his big plane flew. Thats it! It could have taken a third the time to do that in a movie. I could fire up iMovie on my mac and do a better job at editing that movie. I think the reason I didn't understand the movie was that I didn't know who Howard Hughes was. I wanted to know, I wanted a good movie, but this Aviator movie was no good. It just showed this little part in this mans life, and if judging just from the movie, whats the end? The ending was the most surprising part of this movie. It just stop right in the middle of something! Arg, fucking annoying. Okay, enough ranting. I did see a good movie yesterday, Batman Beginning.

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