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Thursday, June 16, 2005


Okay, so my loverboy is going to Canada for the weekend. I am going to be lonely but I've decided that I am going to stop being a wuss and take it. I am (woohoo!) moving on Sunday so that should be thoroughly interesting. My Dadio is hiring some nice men to come and help us move all our boxes down to the house in Rohnert Park. It is going to be a long day, but whatever, right? I kinda don't want to move, but my family is not really in touch with my desires. Anyhoo, tonight, I went to the movies with iMusickid (wink) and we saw Crash. And normally, I'm not really into those artsy independent type movies, but this movie was REALLY good. Like I would even recommend it to my partents- good. Pretty nutty, eh? Well, it had its points. Definately had Sky and I on the edge of our seats trying to figure out just what was going on. We'll see, maybe I'll see it again and actually know what's going on. It's one of those movies that makes you form and opinion or sort of predict what you think is going to happen, but then the complete opposite happens...it's actually pretty interesting. So I leave for Portugal in T-minus 13 days. WAHHH. I don't want to leave yet. It seems like it's going to be this really chaotic rush to get outta this house and then into the other one and then leave to go to Portugal for SIX FREAKIN' WEEKS. I mean, I'm not complaining that I'm going, because I really do want to go, but it's sorta all cramped up together and it's going to be a lot to take in. Ya know what I mean? Agh. I think what is really going to get me is that I'm going to go to Portugal with all the stuff in my house completely packed up, then we come back to a house that needs to be completely unpacked and lived in, and then to top it off, I have SCHOOL the next week. All in all, I thank GOD that I have Skyler because he really is my grounding force. If I didn't have him there to pull me back down to earth I swear I'd be floating in la-la-I-hate-my-life land and that doesn't sound like fun to me. So thank you, Skyler. Anyhoo, I'm writing way to much...I must save some for the rest of the weekend. *xoxo*

1 comment:

iMusickid said...

Don't worry about writting too much, writting a lot makes it all the more interesting. I had a wonderful night, and I'm going to miss you tons when I leave. At least I'll have you in my heart, and pictures of you in my wallet. Love ya -Sky