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Friday, July 08, 2005

There is a box

I'm going to start this of by saying, there is a box. And this box is in my house. Inside the box are things filled with good tastes and good memories. I don't dare let myself go inside this box, for if I go in one time, I will return. This box showed up in my house this morning. To me, it showed up inside my house this morning. I do not know if it was already there, and I just noticed it today, or if it did show up this morning. If it showed up this morning, then that's all. If it had already been in my house, and I just noticed it this morning, then that would be all the more interesting. Last night, was a night, were I decided to give up soda for a while. I set my sight on one full week. No diet soda of any kind. I made up my mind, last night. I told myself, I want to go one week without drinking any soda. When I do drink soda now-a-days, I only drink diet soda because there are no calories. No calories means I can drink them without added them to my daily point system I keep track of. Anyway, I had started to notice that I was drinking a lot more soda over the last few months. When I first started to not drink regular soda, I didn't drink any diet soda neither. About two weeks later, I started to drink diet soda every week or so. Usually on special occasions. Never at home because we rarely have soda. Well, over the last week, I had noticed that I had drinken at least a soda can of diet soda a day. And I started to think, I know soda isn't the healthiest thing, even if it is calorie free, this isn't something I should be doing. So last night, after my last diet Pepsi, I called it quits (for a week). Well, this morning, I am walking though my house, when I notice a box. The box is an orange box. Not in its color, but for what it was used to cary things in. It carried oranges. But there are not longer and wipe oranges inside this box, oh no, now there is a orange box full of soda! Not only was there good soda, but good diet soda as well. Root Beer and Cream Soda are my favorites, and I'm sure I saw a few in there. But what does this really mean? Well, it means I'm just being tested. I'm not being tested by God, but inside myself, I am testing myself to see if I can win. If I can go a week without reaching inside that box, without filling a glass with ice, without pouring that sweet soda inside that ice glass, to then bring it to my lips to taste. Yes, this is a test. Make all the more interesting that the day I give up soda, a case full falls right in front of me. Now that I think about it, I give up money! :-D haha, we'll see if it comes true tomorrow...

1 comment:

Monique said...
