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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Fresh Pepper? (Day 2)

Hey everyone, today was a big day, so I plan to write it all out. Kind of a vacation journal for myslef and anyone who reads. I'm going to call this day 2. Day 1 was driving down. So here we go...!

Today was waking up at 8:30 after a weird dream. I dreamed I was meeting podcasters I listen to. Hmm, maybe I listen to too many podcasts. Lol, as I listen to a podcast while I type. For those that don't know, I'm down in Arroyo Grande. Its a town about 20 miles south of San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly). So, I was sleeping in the guest bedroom downstairs. This house is just amazing that I'm staying in, but I'll get to that on another blog post. I'll also include photo's. Anyway, woke up this morning and had breakfast out front of the house. I was treated to photos, toast, eggs (which I didn't have), and a fruit salad. Yum, good food. So, after breakfast and a shower, I started to work on the two Windows XP computers here. God, I see why I switched to Apple. Okay, so here's what happened. I helped my uncle switch to DSL. Durning the switch, the router had trouble switching over. So, we had to call Linksys and I talked so some nice lady in Asia. After a long talk with her, I found that she enjoys singing in the shower. 'Nuff said. SO this morning , I secured there network, and got there laptop up and working as well. Fun times. Not!! Windows computers drive me crazy. You start up the computer and things start failing right away. ARGG anyway.. I finished that up around noon and went to a mexican place to grab a burrito. Came home to eat that out in the backyard. Then we got going to Hearsts Castle.

On the way there, we stopped in a little town Cambridge. We stopped for coffee and to look at a garden shop. I got a chai thing. Also on the way, I finished the first Harry Potter book. It was okay, maybe like a 7/10. It was entertaining, but since I had seen the movies already, it wasn't too exciting. Might be more exciting if I hadn't seen the movie before hand. Okay, so we arrived at Hearsts Castle.

I had never known about Hearts Castle before I showed up. I had heard the name and was interested when we showed up. It was a state to my park to my surprise, so once again I was dumb founded. Going inside the visitors center, I started to find out who the guy was and what the "castle" was. If you looked up the mountain, you could see the towers coming through the trees. Come to find out, this rich guy build this castle up on a hill in central California. We (my aunt, uncle and I) watched a iMax movie about the guy and I started to figure out who he was. The son of a rich minor, William Hearst became wealthy himself though owning the major newspapers in the US. At age 50, around 1920, he started construction of the castle. Hearst was a collector of antifacts and just soo much stuff. He build his castle in 15 years. This place is just AMAZING. It is so jaw dropping. Its really hard to tell you everything about it. Its this huge place on the top of a huge hill that is really like a castle. There is so much architecture and stuff. Check out the picture of one of his pools! Here is one of his inside pools that has the diving board on the right. This room is ceramic, every inch done with 1 inch square color glass things. Some of them are gold. Its like, wow. Every room is huge and big. Its like walking into Europe. There are scultures every foot. All from Europe as well. I saw three sculptures from Egypt from 1200 BC. Its really amazing to see how wealthy some people are. Anyway, it was one of the coolest things I have every seen! Truely amazing. I can go on and on. It was like a 2 hour tour. Huge tapestries in all the rooms. Just amazing. So check out Hearst Castle if you can! Okay, enough of that, but your welcome to ask me questions. I didn't take a camera, so I just linked to other photos I found.

After the amazing tour, we drove down highway 1 and saw some Sea Lions on the beach. It was fun to watch them resting in the sand. We headed back to CAmbridge to eat dinner. We ate at this really nice place. It was English kind of place, so it was like a cabin lodge and very dark inside. All the plates were pricy too. But the best part was, when the waiter brought us our salads, he really said, "Fresh pepper". I dunno if you've seen the best of Dana Carvey, but his fresh peppers skit with Adam Sandler is so funny. Anyway, the waiter did the exact same thing, and became I was so excited to hear something like that, I asked for pepper on my salad. He even said, "Tell me when". Haha, I was about to die. I didn't get a recording of it cause it happened to fast, but man was it great. It was like a day with so many highlights.
On the drive home, we talked about computers, which was quite interesting. We talked about how people don't really understand how to use computers. Especially older generations. We talked about lots, and it was quite interesting to hear it from my uncle and aunts perspective.

Okay, so I'm sitting here watching the Family guy on DVD on talking to you people. So that was today. I'll get back to you all tomorrow when more exciting things happen.... Thanks for reading :-D!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hearst castle is awesome. :) i went on one of the tours one of the times my parents and i went down to visit my baby brother at cal poly slo. i want to go on the other tours there sometime....it's so beautiful! :)