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Saturday, August 20, 2005

School's back! Hey everyone, It's saturday now, and man did this week fly by. The first week of school is always the most craziest. Like Monique said, parking is crazy crazy crazy. I forgot how you have to get to the JC before 8am to get a spot. It worked out well for my this week at least. Monday I have a class at 8, and I was excited to get to school on the first day so I was there at 7:30. Tuesday was a different story. I got to the JC at 9am, found no parking, so I had to high tail over to the mall to find parking there. From the mall, I hopped on the shuttle and arived about 9 minutes late to class. Not too bad. I just have to remember to either get the JC early or head strait to the mall. Wednesday was the same as Monday, I found a parking spot before my class. Then on Thursday, I left real early to surprise Monique. So, I was parking at around 8am, but I didn't have class till 9:30. It was worth it. So far this week, waking up early hasn't been a problem. I don't have really any homework yet, so that could be the major factor. Well, I did have some, but I got it done I got home, so that helps. So that was the parking for this week. Soon enough, like in a week, it should go back to normal. But then they're going to close the lot I park in. NO!!! The JC plans to building a parking garage on the lot next to the football field/Music building. Oh well, I'm sure I'll let you all know how that turns out.
In the world of school news, I enjoy my class and schedule this year. Mon/Wed from 8-3 and Tue/Thur from 9:30-3:30. Not to bad at all. I also have a class Tuesday night, which is band from 7-10pm. The one thing that does suck is the books I had to buy. I've spent over $350 on books. I bought 2 online, 2 used, and like 3 others new. God damn is that a lot of money. I had help last year from my band scholarship, but I don't got that anymore. Thankfully, my parents let me borrow some money. So now I can do my school work! YAY! haha, yeah right. But it does help to really have the books. I just have to wait for 2 books that I bought online yesterday. Thanks to Monique, I can get my Philosophy homework done cause she takes the same class :-D. The only thing different from last year is that I'm not taking Jazz Combo's this year. Just not for me.
In home news, we got an awesome new cabinet. That big thing for holding dishes and glasses. Its this big wooden thing that looks awesome. My parents did a great job of finding it. I'll add a pic later. Lol, I feel dumb cause I don't know what its called. Leave me a comment to correct me, thanks.
Monique is in Pleasanton right now, so things are a bit slow here. She went with her Mom and brother to a soccer tournament. I guess Davide (Monique's brother) is quite a popular, and good soccer player. I've seen him play, and not that I know anything about soccer, he was fun to watch. He also told me earlier this week that he made it onto the state soccer team of some sort? I'm not sure on that one, I'm sure Monique will know. Anyways, Congrads Davide! The Portuguese have soccer, and Americans have baseball. Or football if your crazy. I was proud to be raised in a baseball house. :-D thanks Mom.
I wonder if anyone has something similar to this. In my house, my Mom is the big sports fan, and my Dad could care less. Every Sunday during football season, my Mom will be watching it all. She usually reads a book while she watches any tv, but she still watches football durning the season. Just like the other day, she was watching. I think maybe it was Wednesday night? Man, that's just too early for football. Its still summer people! I dunno, just seems to me that football keeps creeping up earlier and earlier. Anyway, so I just think its a bit different when my Mom enjoys the sports. Not to say that my Dad doesn't enjoy sports, he is just less inclined to watch them on TV. *Shrug* Who knows. I don't even try to watch tv at all myself.
Okay, this is getting a bit long, so I'll be wrapping this up. I have plans to go to Greg's dad's birthday party later today. Greg is the director of the Portuguese band for those who don't know. I can't wait to see the bull fight or something. I hear that should be going on at 4, but I know portuguese time, and it'll be more like 5 or 5:30. Haha, funny and true. Okay peeps, I'll talk to you later. Have a good one!

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