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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tuesday Evening (Day 3)

Well, this afternoon and evening was very low key. We had plans to go to Santa Barbara, but that didn't go through. I think we were going to go with my cousin Mandy, but that didn't work out. I'm not really sure what happened. In the afternoon, I went out to the sun room and listened to a podcast novel while I got my uncle's laptop up-to-date. Lots of windows updates. Okay, no computer talk tonight. Although everyone reading this is online... hmmm. OKay, so we had dinner in San Luis at a place called Splash. It was like a fish and cips kid of place with a bakery inside as well. I had a vegetarian pizza with no cheese, and it was damn good! I was really surprised, so I might be trying that out again in the future. Had a diet Pepsi and talked to Paul and Julie (my uncle/aunt) while 50's music played from their XM radio. Julie knew all the songs, along with paul, cause it was music from when they were in high school. And I thought turning 20 sounded old to me. Imagine growing up with music with only 4 chords (:-P musicians joke, and here's all the chords I heard tonight -> I - vii - IV - V). You can actually make a pretty little song with those chords. Hell, the 50's worked right?!? Anyway, after dinner, we parked downtown and walked to a coffee shop. Thats something I've noticed with Julie and Paul, they like there coffee shops. Everyday we stop at one. I enjoy Chai while they either get a Cappichino (sp?) or Mocha. He spend some time walking around before and after our coffee, checking out downtown San Luis Obispo. I think I'll head down there on Thursday to do some shopping. Oh yeah, we saw a brand new red Ferrari parked. I got a nice picture of that. Speaking of pictures, my camera died so, I couldn't upload anything tonight. Got to charge it and try again in the morning. So we talked around, stopped at an awesome video store on the way home. This wasn't your average Blockbuster or Holleywood video. This was this one guys like home collection. Imagine a small record shop feel, but in a video store. This guy had all the movies organized by year and type of movie, and were it was made. It was a funky little shop, but really cool. I wish I had more time to spend down there. And the best thing was that the movie rental was ONLY $2!!! I'm moving to SLO asap lol. We'll good thing I have a free movie pass when I get home. So that puts me to sitting here tonight. We're about to start Antwon Fisher, so we'll see how that goes. Untill tomorrow, I'll see you guys later!


*Update: the movie was great. Man, it really made me feel good. I would recomend it to anyone. Its a little emotion, but well worth it.

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