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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bad Day

You know what is like horrible? Everything. My day started out at 6:15 am when my dad came in to say goodbye to me before he went to work. See, he comes in to give me a kiss goodbye (sorta a long time ritual, I guess). Well, today he thinks it's more important to tell me that I need to get out of bed now to go clean up the dog poop in the backyard. EXCEPT NO! What the hell? It's six am and I need to go to school, not clean up poop! So that doesn't add to my mood which doesn't exactly start at the top of the scale in the morning. So I take a shower and head downstairs for breakfast. I eat and stuff and my mom is leaving and everything. Everything at school went fine. I was really tired, but I suspect the reason I was tired was because I was drinking decaf Wolf coffee and it made me feel like that yesterday, too. But whatever. Anyway, school was okay. Chem was really boring, but there's nothing I can do about that. I got out and saw Sky and then headed home. I am ashamed to say I at Burger King again! So nasty but for some reason I had a craving. So then I go home and eat and shit and leave for work. I get to work and the AC is broken and it's like a million degrees in the freaking store. Then Lauren informs me that I have to un-hangtag and re-hangtag the ENTIRE store. Well, if anybody has been in my store before, that means take the little pieces of paper off of each hanger and put new ones with different discounts on it on. HOLY COWABUNGA. Three and a half hours later I'm done. Then it's time to do everything else. In that time Sky came to see me. That made me feel a little bit better. Then he brought me dinner while I was starting to do the cleaning that had to be done. That ruled. We went and talked to David who didn't seem to happy to see me. :( I don't get it, somehow it just seems (or feels) like all I get is negative vibes from people. It sorta hurts my feelings. But I still get plenty of positive vibes from Skyler and that's all I really need for right now. But we ended up not getting everything done at work, but whatever. I. Don't. Care. Right. Now. Then I came home, woohoo, what fun. I came in and the first thing was that my parents wanted to talk to me about how I never do anything around the house. I'm sorry, okay, that I never do anything. I know, I know, I'm horrible and I need to get a life. I seriously don't have as much time as they think I do. The only time I don't really do anything is when I'm busy which is MONDAY THRU THURSDAY! Damn. Okay so maybe it does take someone to tell me to do something for it to get done but how am I supposed to know tha someone wants something done unless they tell me? I am not a mind-reader! If I was, then WOOHOO, but I'm not. Sheesh. It's just really hard to hear all that. So tomorrow I'm going to clean the f-ing house and then I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do on Friday and Saturday and my parents can't say anything. And you know what the best part is? I get to do it with Skyler. THAT's what makes me happy. Just being with him, in his happy-go-lucky presence makes me happy. And, frankly, I want to be happy all the time. Therefore, I want to be around Skyler all the time. Plain and simple. There's my reasoning for always being with him, okay people? He's aweome! Get a brain. Nobody has ever made me smile as much as he has. It's like a drug to him, I think. He is addicted to making me smile. It's cute because he says he gets it from his daddy-o (which I don't doubt for a second). :-) So awesome. Enough said.

My Memory: I remember the time that we went to the Giants game and you (Sky) sat in the back seat with me in the truck while Ms. Fuhrman (Londa) and Kevin sat in the front. It was sweet cuz we passed notes. O:-) I love those little moments that we are so secretive about. Moments like that make me smile and think about how I wouldn't change anything about us. We are a good match, if I don't say so myself.

^^ Let the good times roll. :D ^^

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